Les Plaines D’Abraham

SATB or TTBB a cappella

In three movements: 1 La Ville Râlait, 2 Sous Les Murs, 3 Le Spectacle.

Composed for the Grande Prairie Boys Choir, Men of Note (Jeannie Pernal conductor) (or the GPBC MON as they are known to their friends…), this set of three pieces was written in the 150th year celebration of Canada. My friend and colleague Pierre Rousseau is a passionate historian and philosopher. When I told Pierre about my commission to write a piece in French for a male youth choir he immediately introduced me to this epic poem by Louis Fréchette, accounting the battle of the Plains of Abraham. I chose three verses to use for the music. I figured a bunch of young guys would appreciate the most aggressive imagery, so I picked the actual battle verses. These pieces are available in SATB and TTBB, and they are published by Cypress Choral Music

Les Plaines dAbraham TTBB Watermark